Central School Garden

"From little seeds, grow mighty trees" -Unknown

The school garden is a place to enrich hands-on experiences that make learning come alive and encourage a love of nature. The garden is loved for by the Central PTA.

Why Is a School Garden Important For Children:

  •  Gardening provides our teachers with opportunities to enhance student education through practical, reality-based learning.

  • Providing opportunities for hands-on learning, inquiry, observation and experimentation across the curriculum.

  • Provides a quiet place for children visit during recess.

  • Encourages children to stop and think about their environment.


The organic gardening program is sponsored by the PTA. Their approach is not just to build and maintain a productive vegetable garden, but to implement sustainable “edible education” programming that connects the classroom to the food growing outdoors. An edible school garden can enhance the teaching of traditional subjects like math, science, and art, as well as some of life’s larger lessons like environmental stewardship and healthy eating habits.


Gardening At Recess

During recess the children have an opportunity to visit the garden. Where they may help weed, plant or just relax and enjoy the environment.